"Texas Rose" began as a duo...Sandi Marola singing, yodeling and playing guitar and sister Ginger Evans on bass and singing harmony. They began performing together in 1994 for Children's Enrichment Programs and Cowboy Gatherings and Festivals in the west... TX, AZ NM and WY. Even once, Way out West, got to perform a few songs at the Honolulu Hilton... Both sisters had been involved in music since grammer school and have roots in Bluegrass music.
Now, Sandi lives in the Poconos and performs an interesting blend of Old Time Folk, Western Heritage and Swing and Bluegrass...real Americana Music, with her now sharing her original material in these genres of music. Performing as a solo to a five piece band with a number of talented musicians, "Texas Rose" has shared this Americana style music in PA, NY, DE and NJ, yet occasionally still back out west with her sister duo. It has been said "the memories brought back by some of these well known tunes is heart warming." from this "Swingin' Bluegrass Cowgirl"
More recently this "Texas Rose" music was described as CowGrass, which fits the group of fine musicians now performing regularly with the band, Saddle Pals ... Bolek Mikoluk on Dobro, Guitar and Mandolin, Kevin Justice on Mandolin and Guitar and Keith Kester on Upright Bass.
Thanks for stoppin' by...Ya'll come back !!!