Jan 2011....time to get more serious about this site and letting folks know what I'm up to. Check out the schedule of events for performances and festivals I'm working. Come say Howdy if your there, where I am....
May 5th, 2009
Howdy Folks.....tis' the season of festivals and fairs. I have a busy schedule (alot going on with family this time of the year also) and am looking forward to seeing all my friends out at the events. Texas Rose is changing a bit, new material. Come hear!
Leave a comment and let me now you visited and I'll keep working on the site with more info and history in photos soon to come.
Next up on events...AFBA Shindig on Saturday, great camping all weekend at the beautiful Mountain View Park, where there is always plenty jammin'. Texas Rose is one of several featured bands as well as other bands welcome to come sign up...hope to see you there.
Keep a Song in Your Hear...